In a case of fraudulent job offers, a major scam involving lakhs of rupees in the name of providing jobs at Bandhan Bank has come to light. The victim of this deception includes the daughter of a senior police officer. The incident was brought to the authorities' attention when Bandhan Bank's Fraud Containment and Monitoring Department head, Mehul Hasmukh Lal Thakar, filed a complaint at Bidhannagar Cyber Crime Police Station on behalf of the bank.
According to the complaint, a job seeker named Ipsita Bhattacharya, who had been searching for job opportunities on the website, received an email offering a job at Bandhan Bank. Subsequently, the victim was coerced into transferring Rs. 1 lakh 22 thousand to the fraudsters' accounts, who even provided a fake appointment letter and offer letter. The case has raised concerns, not only regarding the fraudulent job offer but also the email address used for communication, as reported by the bank.
Following the complaint, Bidhannagar cyber crime police station initiated an investigation, leading to the arrest of three individuals: Subrat Ba Rui, Alak Das, and Vishwa Ji Hawaldar. Alak and Subrata were linked to a prominent mobile connection company distributor (vodaphone), and during the arrest, the police seized 117 SIM cards and two biometric devices without proper documentation. The accused face multiple complaints in various police stations, including santiniketan police station. The investigation is still underway.