Sudhir Singh, the Senior Divisional Commercial Manager Coaching in Northern Railway Moradabad Railway Division, has revealed plans to operate 20 special trains due to the expected surge in passengers during the festival season. The special train services will commence on October 16 in the Moradabad railway sector and will continue until December 1. Specifically, on the second day of Navratri, a new train service will be initiated from Varanasi to Katra to facilitate pilgrims visiting Vaishnodevi.
Senior DCM Sudhir Singh provided details about the special train services, stating that:
In addition to these services, a series of weekly trains will be available on various routes, including Jaynagar to Anand Vihar, Gorakhpur to Anand Vihar, Jogbani to Anand Vihar, Anand Vihar to Saharsa, Darbhanga to New Delhi, Chandigarh to Gorakhpur, Bathinda to Banaras, Jammu to Barauni, and Firozpur to Patna.