Rohan Bopanna and Rutuja Bhosale showcased their tennis prowess at the ongoing Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou, securing a gold medal in the mixed doubles tennis final. The Indian duo delivered an exceptional performance, defeating the formidable Chinese Taipei's En-shuo and Tsung-hao Huang in the final match, earning India a well-deserved victory on Day 7 of the games.
As the Asian Games continue, India has multiple opportunities to shine, with teams competing in squash, hockey, and badminton. The men's squash team is currently battling Pakistan for a shot at the gold medal, while the Indian men's hockey team is gearing up to face Pakistan for a coveted spot in the final.
Simultaneously, the Indian men's badminton team is set to compete against South Korea in the semifinals, all with the goal of securing top honors in their respective events. The nation eagerly awaits the outcomes of these high-stakes matches.