India's young shooting talents, Palak and Esha Singh, stole the spotlight at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou. Palak, a 17-year-old sensation, clinched the gold medal in the women's 10m Air Pistol individual final, amassing a remarkable score of 242.1 points. Her impressive performance not only secured the top spot but also set a new Asian Games record in her category, surpassing China's previous record from 2018.
Esha Singh, 18 years old, continued her remarkable streak as a shooter by winning the silver medal with a score of 239.7 points, marking her fourth medal at these games.With these achievements, India's shooting medal tally at the Hangzhou Asian Games has surged to 17, highlighting their dominance in the sport. In total, India now boasts an impressive count of 30 medals at the ongoing Asian Games, including eight gold, 11 silver, and 11 bronze medals.
This success is a testament to the dedication and exceptional skills of India's shooting contingent, who continue to shine on the international stage. The Asian Games in Hangzhou have become a stage for India's shooters to showcase their talent, leaving fans eagerly anticipating more medal-winning performances in the days ahead.