The Indian shooting team, consisting of Swapnil Kusal, Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, and Akhil Sheoran, secured yet another gold medal at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou on Friday. The trio defeated their competition in the men's 50m rifle 3P event, amassing a total of 1769 points, shattering the previous world record of 1761 points held by the USA. Their victory solidified India's dominance in shooting at the Asian Games, marking the 15th medal for the country in this category alone.
The silver medal was clinched by a close margin with 1763 points, while the bronze went to South Korea, who managed 1748 points. With this triumph, India's overall medal tally at the Hangzhou Asian Games now stands at an impressive 27, with seven gold, nine silver, and 11 bronze medals.
In another thrilling event, the Indian women's team, comprising Esha Singh, Palak, and Divya Subbaraju, secured a silver medal in the women's 10m air rifle pistol team final. With a total of 1731 points, India narrowly missed the gold, which was claimed by China with 1736 points, while Chinese Taipei secured the bronze with 1723 points. The Asian Games in Hangzhou continue to be a showcase of India's prowess in shooting, leaving fans eager for more medal-winning performances in the days to come.