Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari embarked on a North Bengal tour on Wednesday to campaign for the Dhupguri by-election. Speaking to reporters upon his arrival at Bagdogra airport, Adhikari addressed several key issues, including the importance of proper election preparation, the role of contract employees, and the deployment of Central Army.
Adhikari stressed the significance of thorough and effective election campaigning, emphasizing that relying solely on contract employees for election-related work might not yield the desired results. He underscored the importance of dedicated and well-coordinated efforts to ensure a strong electoral showing.
In reference to maintaining law and order during the election process, Adhikari mentioned the deployment of Central Army Forces. He revealed that an additional 15 companies of the Central Army would be brought in to enhance security measures for the upcoming elections. Adhikari expressed confidence that these measures would contribute to a peaceful electoral environment, differentiating the by-election from more localized elections.