Kerala Transport Minister Antony Raju said AI-based cameras installed across the state to check traffic violations have issued e-challans worth Rs 25.81 crore. He spoke to the media after reviewing AI camera operations.
Raju said the amount was calculated by multiplying the fine for each violation. However, he added that the department has only received a fine of Rs 3.37 million so far. "Sometimes it took people 4-5 months to pay the fine," he said.
Raju said the number of fatal accidents has reduced after the installation of AI cameras. He said 70 lives could be saved in June alone. “In June 2022, there were 344 deaths due to accidents in Kerala. When we checked the list in June this year, we found that the death toll was 140. However, it increased when we did a follow-up as some of the accident victims who were being treated in hospitals succumbed to their injuries. In June of this year, the number shot up to 274 dead. Still, we are relieved that it could save 70 lives,” he said.
Compared to 313 deaths recorded in July 2022, 67 people died in accidents this July. But the minister warned that it could increase given highly critical cases in hospitals.
There is a sharp decrease in the number of people injured in accidents. If in July 2022, 3,992 people were injured in accidents, it decreased to 1,329 in July this year. The number of accidents also decreased from 3,316 cases in July last year to 1,201 last month.
Raju said that 29 representatives of people were fined by AI cameras. Of these, 19 are MLAs and 10 MPs. One MP was caught for violation 10 times while an MLA was fined 7 times, he said.
Between July 4 and August 1, riding without a helmet topped the list of violations with 2.2 thousand cases. The pillar of riders without helmets had 1.5 handicaps. 1.74 million cases of driving without seat belts were recorded. As many as 1.86 million passengers were fined for not wearing seat belts. 6118 cases of mobile phone use while driving were recorded. The triple ride on motorcycle trunks was 5,886.