Jharkhand police have arrested a teacher following allegations of molestation in Pithoria, a suburb of the state capital. The teacher's name is Ranthu Mishra alias Jagannath Mishra. He teaches at Nischay Memorial School, a private school located under Pithoria Police Station.
S. P. (rural) Naushad Alam confirmed the action and said it took place after people laid siege to the police station and protested against the teacher.
“Villagers said the teacher was a habitual harasser and there were three harassment complaints against him on different days. He touches girls inappropriately,” Alam said.
On further investigation, the SP (rural) said, “An FIR has been registered against the teacher under non-bailable sections. He will be arraigned and the matter will be investigated further."
On Monday, Dhanbad police arrested private coaching institute teacher Shahrukh Ali (28) and sent him to jail for filming and posting obscene videos of a female student on social media.