In a tragic incident, two individuals lost their lives, and two others sustained injuries after a bus they were traveling in was struck by a landslide near Bhanghroo Gandoh village in Jammu and Kashmir's Doda district.
The incident occurred around 8:00 am on Sunday, following heavy rains triggering the landslide on Thathri-Gandoh road, according to police officials.
Superintendent of Police Bhaderwah Vinod Sharma stated that the bus was engulfed by the landslide. The deceased were identified as Amir Sohail from Kahara and Mudassar Ali from Changa-Bhalessa.
A prompt rescue operation was launched, resulting in the successful retrieval of three trapped passengers who were immediately taken to Gandoh hospital. One of the injured individuals, Shahid Hussain, hailing from Kuntwara village, is currently receiving medical treatment at the hospital.
Authorities reported that the bus was en route from Gwari village in Doda to Gandoh in Jammu when the incident occurred.
In a separate unfortunate incident in the region, two soldiers were swept away by flash floods triggered by heavy rainfall while crossing Dogra Nallah in the Surankote area. Their bodies were recovered in the Poonch district on Sunday.
The soldiers were identified as Lance Naik Telu Ram and Naib Subedar Kuldeep Singh, who lost his life while attempting to rescue Lance Naik Telu Ram. The White Knight Corps expressed their condolences through their official Twitter account.