In a gesture aimed at strengthening the friendship between Bangladesh and West Bengal, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sent a delightful gift of mangoes to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Despite the presence of a barbed wire border and lingering tensions, the warm relations between the two leaders are well known.
On Monday, more than 600 kg of mangoes from various regions of Bengal arrived in West Bengal via the Benapole land port. This is not the first time such gifts have been exchanged between the two neighboring regions. Previously, Sheikh Hasina had sent mangoes as a gift to the Chief Minister of Bengal.
Last year, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh had sent around one quintal of potted mangoes from Upper Bengal to Mamata Banerjee. In response, the Chief Minister had expressed her gratitude through a letter addressed to Sheikh Hasina. Over time, both leaders have exchanged different types of gifts, such as sarees during festive occasions and hilsa fish.
It is worth noting that Sheikh Hasina and Mamata Banerjee have consistently emphasized that their relationship extends beyond politics and diplomatic ties. Addressing Mamata Banerjee as "sister," Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly stated that their bond is deeply personal.