Actress Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband Virat Kohli recently took a break from their busy schedules and enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant in Bengaluru. The actress took to her Instagram Stories to share a glimpse of her trip with her husband, family and friends.
The celebrity couple visited the popular Shri Sagar Central Tiffin Room in Bengaluru and even posed with its staff. They also wrote a note for the restaurant that read: "We had a wonderful time sitting and eating in peace with friends and family." In the letter they signed, the couple also thanked the management for their 'hospitality and excellent food'.
A few pictures were also shared by the restaurant's Instagram manager. In the caption, they thanked the couple for visiting the restaurant and also for a special message for them. “Your words and wishes lifted our spirits and made our day! Looking forward to seeing you again,” captioned the post
Meanwhile, Anushka shared a few pictures of food, menu and family on her Insta Stories. Both Anushka and Virat are busy in their respective fields, however the former is often seen cheering on her husband during his Indian Premier League (IPL) matches. They are currently in Bengaluru as Virat is part of the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) squad and will play most of the matches at home this week.
On the other hand, Anushka Sharma is all set to return to the silver screen after giving birth to daughter Vamika with Chakda Xpress.