The Uttarakhand government has temporarily suspended the registration process for the Kedarnath temple pilgrimage due to heavy snowfall warnings issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The Char Dham Yatra, which started on April 22, includes visits to four holy places in the Himalayas, including Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri.
The Kedarnath Dham is set to open on April 25, while Badrinath Dham will open on April 27. However, due to the adverse weather conditions, the registration of pilgrims for the Kedarnath Yatra has been suspended until April 30 in Rishikesh and Haridwar.
The state government is committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of the devotees during the Char Dham Yatra, and adequate medical facilities have been set up along the travel routes. The government has requested that pilgrims over the age of 55 with any pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, should mention them to ensure appropriate medical attention is provided.
Despite the challenging conditions caused by heavy snowfall and rain in the upper Garhwal Himalayas, the authorities are making every effort to clear the footpaths and ensure a smooth and secure journey for all devotees.