Posters with the message "Modi hatao desh bachao" (Remove Modi, save the country) were spotted at various locations in Salt Lake on Thursday morning. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the date 27 March 2023 were mentioned at the bottom of the posters. The posters were found on both sides of the Bikas Bhawan Main Gate and below the Karunamayee Metro Station.
The installation of these posters was strongly criticized by the Vidhannagar BJP, who stated that irresponsible political parties had put up posters in government places without any consideration. They further urged these parties to consider where they place their posters and to first think of who can be an alternative to Modi.
The BJP also criticized the AAP, stating that they were a confused group with no decision-making abilities and had no place in West Bengal politics. They further added that the political pattern in West Bengal was different and that the BJP had a responsible approach towards politics.
The BJP leader stated that a political party should be aware of where they place their posters and think carefully about the message they are conveying. He further added that removing Modi alone would not save the country, and that political parties should have a well-planned and thoughtful approach towards governance.
Overall, the installation of the posters sparked controversy and highlighted the ongoing political tensions in West Bengal.