To celebrate her son Hrehaan's 17th birthday, Sussanne Khan shared beautiful photos from her personal scrapbook. The video appears to show that Hrithik and Sussanne's son frequently joins his band in performing and seems to have musical aspirations. Showering Hreehan with love, Sussanne wrote," To the brightest Light in my Life..Happy Birthday my Ray.. I know that God loves me madly coz he gave me You. So So proud of you #17yearsstrong #MyRaystar♥.”
Pashmina, the cousin sister of Hrithik Roshan, also wrote a heartfelt letter to her "Little nephew." She wrote, “Happy Birthday Ray. Today we celebrate you and the brightness you bring to everyone’s life with your bright smile and cool demeanor. We are all watching you grow up to become the personification of the phrase “handsome is what handsome does” I wish you get everything your heart desires and so much more, an endless supply of love, crepes, laughter, music, happiness, and adventures. Hope you keep towering over me, but never forget that you’ll always be my little nephew.”
Sussanne and Hrithik, meanwhile, wed in 2000 and divorced in 2013. The couple has had a friendly connection and has insisted that their kids come first at all times. Hrehaan and Hridhaan, their two children, are shared in their custody.