Rahul Gandhi, the leader of India's opposition party, Congress, has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of having close ties with billionaire Gautam Adani. Speaking at a press conference in New Delhi, Gandhi claimed that the government was afraid of the Adani issue and had created a distraction to avoid addressing it.
Gandhi had earlier approached the Speaker of the Lok Sabha to request an opportunity to speak in response to allegations made against him by four government ministers. He expressed hope that he would be allowed to speak in Parliament the following day. However, Gandhi expressed doubts about being given a chance to speak, stating that the government was reluctant to address the issue of the alleged relationship between Modi and Adani. He called for an explanation about the nature of the relationship between the two men.
The allegations of a close relationship between Modi and Adani have been a topic of debate in India for some time, with critics accusing the government of favoritism towards Adani's business interests. The opposition party has been pushing for a parliamentary investigation into Adani's business dealings, alleging that the government has given preferential treatment to his companies. However, the government has denied any wrongdoing and dismissed the allegations as baseless.