On Friday, employees of the West Bengal government called for an administrative strike to demand an increase in Dearness Allowance (DA), but it did not seem to have a significant impact. The State Secretariat Nabanna, Bikas Bhavan, and Writers' Building had normal staff attendance. However, the protesting employees claim that the strike has severely affected office workers across the state.
Sangrimi United Manch, the organization leading the government employees' agitation, reported that the strike had widespread effects. There were fewer employees present at Khadya Bhawan, and New Secretariat. Meanwhile, the Employees Federation, a Trinamool Congress-affiliated organization, stated that employees' attendance in every government office, including the Secretariat, was normal. The government employees have rejected the strike call by the supporting organizations.
Notably, there were reports of protests in many places in support of the bandh since Friday morning. Left workers' organizations attempted to forcefully strike various government offices and close schools and government offices. Despite children being present in several primary schools in Howrah, teachers did not take classes. Similar allegations of school closures were reported in Hooghly.
In North Bengal, the strike did not have much impact. In the morning, an attempt was made to close the Cooch Behar District Magistrate and BDO office, but it was later opened after the main gate was stuck with cello tape. The protesting employees also attempted to make the bandh a success by protesting in front of Siliguri College and receiving support from the student organization DSO. However, the police pacified the protestors by persuading them.