A large-scale operation by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) and the Drugs Control Directorate of West Bengal led to the seizure of unlicensed medicines worth approximately Rs. 6.6 crore from a medicine shop in Kolkata’s Bhawanipur area. The raid, conducted on November 17, uncovered a significant quantity of unlicensed medicines, including anti-cancer and anti-diabetic drugs. These medicines were labeled as “Made in Bangladesh” and also bore labels indicating origins from countries like Ireland, Turkey, and the USA.
The unlicensed medicines, which lacked proper import documentation and regulatory approval, were packed in boxes and found at the shop, M/s Care and Cure For You, in Regent Park. Authorities also discovered various materials used for manufacturing and packaging the unlicensed drugs, including empty boxes, labels, and other labeling items. These drugs, which are critical for treating conditions such as cancer and diabetes, were sold illegally without any legitimate certification or approval from regulatory bodies.
The authorities confirmed that the unlicensed drugs posed significant risks to public health. They did not have any official records or import paperwork to validate their authenticity, which is a requirement under Indian drug laws. In addition to the medicines, the raid resulted in the confiscation of various materials used in the preparation and packaging of unlicensed products. The total market value of the seized goods is estimated to be Rs. 6.6 crore, based on their retail price.
A woman was arrested in connection with the operation and is currently in judicial custody. Investigations are ongoing, and authorities suspect that a wider network may be involved in the unlicensed drug trade. The seized medicines are believed to have been distributed through online platforms, although further details about the full scope of the distribution and other possible perpetrators are still being explored.