In a significant breakthrough, Kolkata Cyber Police arrested Anirban Bose, a key accused in a fake loan racket, on December 30, 2024. Bose, 35, was apprehended from Siddha Xanadu Studio Complex in Narayanpur after months on the run. This arrest comes as part of ongoing investigations into the racket that duped individuals with false promises of easy loans.
The racket, uncovered on June 25, 2024, during a raid at Mayuri Apartment in the Panchasayar PS area, operated under the guise of a loan facilitation service. A total of nine individuals were arrested during the initial raid, and police seized incriminating materials. The callers used fraudulent tactics to extract money from victims, leveraging fake assurances and falsified documents.
The case was registered under Cyber PS Case No. 64 dated June 25, 2024, under sections 66C and 66D of the IT Act, 2000, along with multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including 120B, 419, 420, 465, 467, 468, and 471. Investigations revealed the racket's extensive operations and its coordination via falsified data analyzed on the Pratibimb portal.
Anirban Bose, identified as one of the operators and owners of the racket, had been evading arrest since the raid. Acting on a tip-off, police successfully tracked him down in Narayanpur. The accused, a resident of Hari Mohan Dutta Road under Dumdum PS, Kolkata, is being interrogated to gather further insights into the scam’s operations and connections.
Police believe the racket may have duped numerous victims across the city, and efforts are ongoing to identify other associates involved. Authorities have urged the public to remain cautious and verify credentials when dealing with loan facilitators or similar schemes.
The arrest of Anirban Bose is a significant step toward dismantling the fake loan racket and bringing the culprits to justice. Cyber Police continue to investigate the case thoroughly to ensure that all those involved face appropriate legal action.