BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari issued a direct threat to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during a rally in Sandeshkhali on Tuesday, declaring that once the BJP comes to power in the state, Mamata will face legal consequences for alleged corruption and administrative failures. Speaking at a rally organized as part of BJP’s membership drive, Adhikari highlighted multiple grievances against the TMC government in the Sandeshkhali region, particularly allegations of land encroachment, exploitation of women, and misuse of public funds under Mamata’s leadership.
Adhikari responded to Mamata’s remarks made earlier, in which she praised the efforts of local women in Sandeshkhali, specifically referencing Shahjahan’s field. Suvendu, in turn, accused Mamata of neglecting the hardships of the people in the area. He said, "Mamata Banerjee had said yesterday from Shahjahan’s field. If the women of Sandeshkhali hadn’t come out of their homes, and if Rekha-Mampi hadn’t fought, that field would have still been known as Shahjahan’s.” Adhikari’s statement was meant to challenge Mamata’s narrative of the region's history and assert that the TMC government had failed to address the concerns of the local population.
The BJP leader went on to list various allegations against the TMC government, accusing Mamata of being complicit in illegal land acquisition, improper distribution of MGNREGA funds, and failing to ensure basic amenities for the people. He claimed that the administration had allowed women to be subjected to violence, with some allegedly abducted and brought to the party office in the middle of the night. Adhikari emphasized that such actions could not be ignored and insisted that Mamata’s government would be held accountable once the BJP took control.
Adhikari also discussed the Sandeshkhali incident, stating that a commission would be set up to investigate the allegations in the region if the BJP forms the government. He added, “There will be a commission for the Sandeshkhali incident, and the women you imprisoned, for falsely accusing them, BJP will send you to jail as well.” This declaration was a promise to investigate the alleged mistreatment of women under the TMC government, and to hold accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing.
The rally also saw Suvendu openly acknowledge a shift in BJP’s electoral strategy, noting that the party was no longer expecting Muslim votes in the state. Adhikari remarked, "In Muslim areas, we have no presence. It’s better to speak plainly. You are mine, and I am yours. If there’s no vote, then I’m not there either." This comment indicated a clear focus on consolidating Hindu voters in the region, particularly in light of the results from the recent Lok Sabha elections, where the BJP failed to gain substantial support from Muslim-majority areas.
Suvendu concluded his address by announcing a charitable initiative aimed at aiding the marginalized communities of Sandeshkhali. He confirmed that the BJP would distribute 5,000 winter garments through 28 Shakti Kendras located in the region. These Shakti Kendras, as described by Suvendu, are primarily situated in Hindu-majority areas. The distribution, set to take place at 11 AM, is part of BJP's ongoing efforts to strengthen its presence in key electoral areas. The garments will be provided as gifts to local communities, not as charity, according to Suvendu.